Monday, November 30, 2009

Learning to Fall (in Public)

Do you ever find yourself thinking, "I wish I could go back in time and not say what I just said or do what I just did?" I do - and I always get hung up on the feeling of well, feeling just plain silly - like I'm the person that never really has it together...know what I mean? It's a downward spiral and pretty soon you start thinking of every embarrassing moment in your life (at least that's my method) - like the time I tipped my entire desk over in the middle of my Algebra 2/Trig class my senior year of high school.

People will try to comfort you and say it was no big deal, and that no one noticed, but for some reason you just can't get past the sinking feeling that you just made a bit of a fool of yourself.

I've decided to do a little test - every time I feel that way, I will try to embrace it rather than let it get me down. Imagine a baby learning how to walk - it doesn't care that it doesn't know how to walk and that everyone will see it fall, it gets out there and tries again and again to succeed...

I've noticed I'm particularly vulnerable to this feeling when I'm trying something new in life - for instance, right now I'm in the early stages of my business and everything seems well, new - I'm in the infant stage, and unless I learn to try and try and try, that's where I'll remain. So I guess I just need to learn how to fall in public and not care so much...


  1. Be yourself, don't fight yourself

  2. this is awesome suzy!! a great, great reminder to myself ... i guess not even a reminder, but something to strive for and embrace in my life. i've never really thought of this ... but yet, i'm so very guilty of it!

    and i LOVE the video! great to laugh this morning! ;)
