Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Food for thought

In addition to eating food, I pretty much have noticed a pattern of loving anything having to do with it - movies, artwork, books... you name it, if food is involved, I'm there.

I'm not sure if it's the artist in me, but I've always thought food brings so much to the table (no pun intended, well, maybe just a little) - and if you've ever noticed, at most parties, somehow everyone ends up in the kitchen. Food fills you up when you're hungry, it comforts you when you're down and it can bring you back to a place in time. I can't count how many of my memories involve food... Christmas time at my Grandparent's house in Florida and my Grandma trying to force me to try pickled herring (sorry Grandma - yuck!)... the bakery where I had my first job in high school and the smell of frying doughnuts on early Saturday mornings... visiting far away places - the fries in Amsterdam, the cassoulet in France... my wedding - the wedding cake with the buttercream frosting on it (how I wish I had a piece of it now).

Here's a taste of my favorite food themed things...


Like Water for Chocolate
Tortilla Soup

Eat, Pray, Love
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle (just started reading this)
The Soup Bible (a cookbook by Debra Mayhew)

Food Shopping
The French Market (Chicago)
The Grand Central Terminal Market (NYC)

Claudia Pearson's Food Inspired Calendars & Tea Towels

The Chocolate Company

Dream Kitchens
Monet's Kitchen at Giverny

Rick Bayless' Outdoor Kitchen

Picture credits: Claudia Pearson, The Chocolate Company, Ariane Cauderlier, Farmer Jay

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